Dhammarato Dhammarato is a dhamma teacher in the lineage of Bhikkhu Buddhadasa. Now retired into the Lay life He spent many years as a monk in both Thailand and USA. He lives in Thailand on Kho Phangan and invites all dhamma friends to come hang out. He talks about the supramundane dhamma as instructed by Achan Pho the abbot of Wat Suan Mokkh.

Be The Boss of Your Own Destiny - Daily Dhammarato

Be The Boss of Your Own Destiny - Daily Dhammarato

The Illusion of Hardship

The path to happiness is easy, but we make it hard due to our conditioning.

  • “Everything is already okay. It’s actually an easy transition logically, but it’s not so easy because we’ve got the habits of doing it the hard way.”
  • “We struggle our whole lives in this hard way of doing things, and we don’t even recognize it.”

From Victim to Victor

Changing our attitude from being a victim to being content is the key to happiness.

  • “The attitude of I’m a victim to it and I got to work hard at it versus the attitude of I’m a champion.”
  • “Instead of being a victim to your destiny, you become its boss.”

The Path Is a METHOD

The practice of the Eightfold Noble Path is to remember to look at what we’re doing and make a change.

  • “The Eightfold noble path is a method, and then Anapanasati is the way to practice that.”
  • “Remember to look at what we’re doing and make a change over and over and over and over again, to take a look at what you’re doing and make a change.”

The Source of Satisfaction

Satisfaction comes from within, not from external achievements or validation.

  • “When do you find your satisfaction inside that you’re already good enough?”
  • “You become the master of your destiny only when you just simply change your attitude.”

The Importance of PRACTICING satisfaction

We need to practice being satisfied and content because we’ve been trained to be dissatisfied.

  • “We have to practice making things easy.”
  • “It needs to be practiced.”

Want More? Watch the Whole Dhamma Video Here

Or you can read the entire transcript of the video here

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