About Dhammarato Dhamma

This website is an archive of Dhammarato's one-on-one and Sangha Dhamma talks.

Dhammarato is a dhamma teacher in the lineage of Bhikkhu Buddhadasa. Now retired into the Lay life He spent many years as a monk in both Thailand and USA. He lives in Thailand on Kho Phangan and invites all dhamma friends to come hang out. He talks about the supramundane dhamma as instructed by Achan Pho the abbot of Wat Suan Mokkh.

Dhammarato corrects many of the misconceptions westerners have about Buddhism and the current western variations of Buddhism.

Dhammarato does not charge money for teaching the Dhamma. Everyone is free to join the Sangha or talk to Dhammarato one-on-one.

Private chats with Dhammarato are available at no charge. Questions about meditation are welcome.


►The Sangha US, Friday 7 PM PDT Join Skype Call.

►The Sangha UK, Sunday 10AM BST Join Skype Call.

►The Sangha UK, Wednesday 7PM BST Join Skype Call.

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